Mid Adolescence

The Mid Adolescence phase in The ERG Movement Model is a critical period where the majority of ERG development occurs. This phase is a significant step up from the Early Adolescence phase, which focused primarily on growth and input metrics. In Mid Adolescence, while input metrics continue to be important, the spotlight shifts to engagement. The key question here is how to ensure that the ERG program is not only attracting members but also actively meeting their needs and goals.


During this phase, regular monitoring of engagement scores becomes essential. Metrics such as the Member Engagement Score (MES), Event Engagement Score (EES), and Communications Engagement Score (CES) are monitored to gauge the percentage of membership actively involved in various initiatives. By analyzing these data points, ERG leaders can identify areas where engagement is lacking and uncover opportunities to boost involvement in key areas of member engagement.

The information collected during the onboarding process in the Early Adolescence phase is instrumental in enhancing member involvement. Community is the cornerstone of an ERG, and the Mid Adolescence phase is truly about building this community. It’s about creating a sense of belonging and connection among members, fostering an environment where they feel valued and heard.

Setting both input and output metrics is crucial during this phase to assess the program's growth and readiness for scaling, which occurs in the Late Adolescence phase. ERG Leaders are encouraged to be innovative in their methods of engagement, documenting their successes and lessons learned for the benefit of future leaders. This phase is also the time to implement at least one round of succession planning. Just like other Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) were tested for efficiency, the succession process is evaluated to ensure its effectiveness and smooth operation.

The duration of the Mid Adolescence phase can vary, typically lasting three years or more, depending on the speed of the program's development and specific company circumstances. A key aspect of this phase is adhering to and trusting the established processes before transitioning to the next stage. It’s a period marked by experimentation within the bounds of the ERG Program’s structure, where leaders can explore different ways to engage and inspire their members while staying aligned with the ERG Program’s overall goals and objectives.