Thank you for making this tour a huge success! 

Kickstart with Snacks: Ease into the day, grab some bites, and start making those first connections.
Fireside Chat with Maceo: Chill and get the lowdown on ERG secrets from The ERG Homegirl, Maceo Owens. Stick around for the Q&A – it’s your chance to ask away.
Panel Time: Hear straight from the pros – ERG leads who’ve seen it all and are here to spill on what really works.
Networking Circles: Dive into deeper chats and link up with folks who get it, in networking circles that are all about making genuine connections.
Workshop Action: Get hands-on with workshops that promise to boost your ERG’s vibe and visibility.
Happy Hour Networking: Wind down, drink in hand, and cement those new friendships. It’s the perfect wrap-up to a power-packed day.

It’s official – The 2024 ERG Engagement Tour has wrapped up! Q2 was WILDLY BUSY for The ERG Movement. We hit 10 cities in 11 weeks, hosting free 4-6 hour ERG summits, plus 2 virtual 4-hour ERG summits. A HUGE thank you to the 537 Attendees, 54 Panelists, 7 Corporate Venue Hosts, and 5 Sponsors! Not only was this tour a massive success in sharing best practices with ERG Leaders, but guess what? We’re coming back next year for another tour! Contact Us if you're interested in hosting, sponsoring or partnering.  

Attendees at The ERG Engagement Tor, Dallas Stop at Intuit
5 Hours
of information
500+ Attendees

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