The Early Adolescence Phase in The ERG Movement Model is a pivotal and active stage that unfolds right after the launch of the program. This phase is distinguished by a significant influx of members joining the ERG program, a clear indicator of the program's initial appeal and relevance. It’s a time when the newly trained ERG Leaders are put to the test, applying the skills and knowledge they acquired in training to real-world scenarios within their communities.

ERG Leaders are expected to focus on meeting the basic requirements of their roles, adhering to the established processes and guidelines. It's crucial for them to concentrate on the essentials of their positions, ensuring they fulfill their responsibilities efficiently and effectively. This foundational focus is key, as it lays the groundwork for more innovative and experimental approaches in subsequent phases.

During Early Adolescence, ERG Leaders are tasked with navigating their roles, often facing a myriad of member requests and inquiries. Their challenge lies in remaining focused and not getting sidetracked by demands that fall outside their scope. The success of the Infancy stage plays a crucial role here—if it was executed properly, the ERG Leaders should have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities, making this phase manageable despite the increase in workload and member engagement.

The ERG Directly Responsible Individual (ERG DRI) plays a crucial role in this phase, ensuring that ERG Leaders adhere to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). The ERG DRI acts as a guiding force, offering support and motivation, and keeping the leaders aligned with the ERG program’s goals and metrics. A key task for the ERG DRI is to organize a program kickoff session to celebrate all ERGs, fostering a sense of unity and purpose. They also spearhead company-wide communications campaigns to further boost membership and engagement.

A significant indicator of progress in this phase is the achievement of at least 75% of the program's accountability metrics. Hitting this benchmark is an encouraging sign that the program is on the right track. It demonstrates that the ERG Leaders are effectively applying their training and that the processes established during the Infancy stage are functioning as intended.

However, reaching this level of input consistency doesn’t signal a time to relax; it marks the beginning of a journey toward full efficiency and effectiveness. The ERG DRI must continue to oversee and support the ERG Leaders, encouraging them to strive for complete adherence to their roles and responsibilities.

The Early Adolescence Phase is also a period of reflection, review, and fine-tuning. Regular evaluations of the strategies and processes in place are necessary to identify areas for improvement. This reflective approach ensures the long-term viability and success of the ERG program.